Okay, first off, we must recognise that as far as the literature goes, there are about two papers by Parapsychologists or similar qualified individuals.Here is one of them. Most Parapsychologists have zero interest in the penomena for a variety of reasons, primarily becuase they know nothing about it and have no desire to learn.Cognitive dissonance would explain alot of things in this area.I had one surreal conversation with one a few years ago about the phneomena.I asked him his thoughts..and this guy had spent about 40 years "studying" weird stuff..He told me it was "just white noise and people hear what they want to".
I asked him how he knew this..and he told me a guy I know personally, whose knowledge of the paranormal could be placed on the end of a pin and have room to spare..had told him this..when I explained to him that many examples dont use or need "white noise" he was like "Huh"..didnt get it..didnt want to know..end of story.
A guy told me X so X must be right...how scientific
Now what many people do not understand is that the "proper" way to become a Parapsychologist is by normally doing a degree in something like sociology/philosophy or even anthropology, and then getting a doctorate in parapsychology.Thats the first point.But what "clever" little pumpkins do is..they set up "courses" in parapsychology and offer "certificates" in parapsychology ..so alot of new agers will get the certificate and then without blushing call themselves "certified parapsychologists".Isnt the english language great..they can do a course, which is a bullshit course anyway, lets face it..and then they get a certificate..then they lie.
Thats what I find interesting about many new agers..they will profess love and light, sign off emails with "love and light" type waffle..and then lie through their teeth to pretend they have a skill that is recognised..and then they will "pretend" they did not know it was a lie...sure..we know its a lie..but Joe public or the media do not..thats the difference..
Here is a test..type in certified parapsychologist or parapsychologist+evp etc and see what you can find.And I am telling you now, 99% are lying..people that are interested in spiritualism and the spirit..are lying..how sad is that.
And what goes hand in hand with these dishonest prats is..they share two other qualities which you have to "admire"..they dont know much about anything to do with the paranormal per se..and they are inevitably fairly dim..
And people wonder why these fields never advance...its because of the people in it.
The profound attracts..idiots like moths to a flame..

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