Now why would our philosophical friends pick such an awful example.?Then we find this. Serious parapsychologists today show virtually no interest in EVP, and modern reports in the parapsychological literature find no evidence of anything paranormal in such recordings.
Most parapsychologists do no form of instrumental work and have not the least bit of interest in using electronic devices to try and prove or disprove anything paranormal.Like sceptics give a rats arse what parapsychologists believe in now.You are kidding right. Then we are told that there is another example here, if you click that link, you are back on the same page.Must be another accident, along with the link to a dead site/a link to two white noise files.
Then we are told that a possible explanation is cross modulation.Now this does explain some of the older evp`s in some regard.But, where are the examples of radio coming through in eve tests due to cross modulation.So, we have to move on.My old favourite, and this is very relevant is apophenia which is a perceptual phenomenon where we find patterns where in actual fact, there are no patterns.
Now devices like Franks Box etc are used to pick up small snatches of radio frequencies, you can hear it do this, and the voices are supposed to be using the rf output of noises to communicate.Now..this might be happening..and thats a big might be..but..the background noise is so out of control that apophenia fits the "results"/guesses like a glove.
Any device using slices of rf with voices from radio on it is already contaminated and the addition of something paranormal coming through this mess is just nightmare and a sceptics delight.So what have we elf here on the sceptics site.We are told that tape recordings made with no one around contain mysterious voices. This sets up a mental state that motivates us to try to discern voices. Yes..but the problem is, if there is NOTHING else recorded at the time, and voices still come through, its not because my brain find a pattern thats not there, its because it finds a pattern that is there.
I love the way they reverse everything, there is nothing there, people look for patterns, they find something, its because they were looking for a pattern.Brilliant.
The sceptics said.
How can someone who has heard the voices be persuaded to be more critical and to examine more mundane possibilities?
Lets reverse this, how can someone who has not heard the vices, who will not look for decent examples, is too busy to look on the persuaded to be more critical and to examine more exotic possibilities..

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